From a town full of criminals we took an overnight trip to a town full of beetles, yet more bloody scousers... ooooh, not those kind of beatles! We left Mexico city by local bus and headed down to the …
El Copa del Mundo 2010
Mexicans love lots about life as we have learnt from random conversations with locals, however there are only a few things they really truely love...tequila, wrestling and football (in no certain …
Mexico City
We left the canyon, cowboys and Creel the same way as we arrived, by train, and headed back to Los Mochis. From here after hours of book delving, internet searches and discussions, we took a cheap …
As we got off the train in the small dusty cowboy town of Creel we were instantly greeted by a horde of hosteliers vying for our business - having picked our dude to go with, should have done it based …
Copper Canyon Train
We arrived in the small town of Los Mochis late one night, around 11pm, having taken the ferry across from the Baja and were planning on getting on the train bright and early the next morning, 5am! …
La Paz
No, not that one, we haven't suddenly fled Mexico and gone to Bolivia! In fact we have only travelled a couple of hours north from San Jose Del Cabo to a small city situated on the Sea of Cortez, …